82 research outputs found

    Machine learning with different digital images classification in laparoscopic surgery

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    The evaluation of the effectiveness of the automatic computer diagnostic (ACD) systems developed based on two classifiers – HAAR features cascade and AdaBoost for the laparoscopic diagnostics of appendicitis and ovarian cysts in women with chronic pelvic pain is presented. The training of HAAR features cascade, and AdaBoost classifiers were performed with images/ frames, which have been extracted from video gained in laparoscopic diagnostics. Both gamma-corrected RGB and RGB converted into HSV frames were used for training. Descriptors were extracted from images with the method of Local Binary Pattern (LBP), which includes both data on color characteristics («modified color LBP» - MCLBP) and textural characteristics, which have been used later on for AdaBoost classifier training. Classification of test video images revealed that the highest recall for appendicitis diagnostics was achieved after training of AdaBoost with MCLBP descriptors extracted from RGB images – 0.708, and in the case of ovarian cysts diagnostics – for MCLBP gained from RGB images – 0.886. Developed AdaBoost-based ACD system achieved a 73.6% correct classification rate (accuracy) for appendicitis and 85.4% for ovarian cysts. The accuracy of the HAAR features classifier was highest in the case of ovarian cysts identification and achieved 0.653 (RGB) – 0.708 (HSV) values. It was concluded that the HAAR feature-based cascade classifier turned to be less effective when compared with the AdaBoost classifier trained with MCLBP descriptors. Ovarian cysts were better diagnosed when compared with appendicitis with the developed ACD

    Порівняльна оцінка якості життя пацієнтів оперованих методом лапароскопічної апендектомії та із застосуванням системи комп’ютерної автоматизованої діагностики та гармонійного скальпеля

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    The aim of the work: to compare the quality of life of patients undergoing traditional laparoscopic appendectomy and appendectomy with the use of CAD and a harmonic ultrasound scalpel. Materials and Methods. 95 patients after traditional laparoscopic (TL) appendectomy and 73 patients appenectomized in the course of CAD and harmonic scalpel exploration were under observation. QL was investigated using MOS-SF-36 questionnaire in 6 months from the moment of operation. Results and Discussion. The number of good and excellent results in the group of patients with TL was 69.5 % (66 out from 95 patients), while in the group with CAD and harmonic scalpel exploration the analogous index was equal to 89.0 % – 65 out from 73 patients (Р<0.01). It was established that in patients with good result after laparoscopic treatment with CAD and harmonic scalpel the improvement of QL was registered on all scales of MOS-SF-36 questionnaire, while in patients with good results after traditional treatment the improvement determined by physical functioning and psychological health scales was absent. Satisfactory results of treatment after laparoscopic surgery with CAD and harmonic scalpel were characterized by the improvement on five out from eight scales (such scales as personal physical functioning, general and psychological health have been excluded). In patients with satisfactory results after traditional surgery the improvement was noted only on pain and vital activity scales.Цель работы: сравнение  качества жизни (КЖ) больных, которым  выполнено лапароскопическую аппендэктомию по традиционному методу и аппендэктомию  с применением компьютерной лапароскопической диагностики (КАД) и гармонического скальпеля. Материалы и методы. Наблюдение выполнено за 95 пациентами после выполнения традиционной лапароскопической (ТЛ) аппендэктомии и 73 пациентами, которым применяли КАД и гармонический скальпель. Оценку КЖ проводили с помощью опросника MOS-SF-36 в срок месяц с момента аппендэктомии. Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Общее число отличных и хороших результатов в группе с ТЛ составило 69,5 % (66 из 95 пациентов), в тоже время аналогичный показатель в группе пациентов, которым применяли КАД и УЗ-скальпель, составил 89,0 % – 65 из 73 пациентов (Р <0,01). У пациентов с хорошим результатом лечения, которым применяли КАД и гармоническийй скальпель, наблюдался рост исследуемых показателей КЖ по всем шкалам опросника MOS-SF-36, тогда как у пациентов с хорошим результатом после ТЛ по шкалам физического и психологического функционирования улучшения не наблюдали. У пациентов с удовлетворительным результатом лечения, которым применяли КАД и гармонический скальпель, улучшение наблюдалось по пяти из восьми шкал (за исключением ролевого физического функционирования, общего и психологического здоровья), а при ТЛ – только по шкалам боли и жизнедеятельности.Мета роботи: порівняння якості життя (ЯЖ) пацієнтів, яким було виконано лапароскопічну апендектомію за традиційним методом та апендектомію із застосуванням комп’ютерної автоматизованої діагностики (КАД) та гармонійного ультразвукового скальпеля. Матеріали і методи. Спостереження виконано за 95 пацієнтами після виконання традиційної лапароскопічної (ТЛ) апендектомії та 73 пацієнтами, яким застосовували КАД та гармонійний скальпель. Оцінку ЯЖ проводили за допомогою опитувальника MOS-SF-36 в термін місяць з моменту апендектомії. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Загальне число відмінних та добрих результатів в групі із ТЛ склало 69,5 % (66 із 95 пацієнтів), тоді як аналогічний показник в групі пацієнтів, яким застосовували КАД та УЗ-скальпель, склало 89,0 % – 65 із 73 пацієнтів (Р<0,01). У пацієнтів з добрим результатом лікування, яким застосовували КАД та гармонійний скальпель, спостерігалось зростання досліджуваних показників ЯЖ за всіма шкалами опитувальника MOS-SF-36, тоді як у пацієнтів із добрим результатом після ТЛ за шкалами фізичного та психологічного функціонування покращення не спостерігалось. У пацієнтів із задовільним результатом лікування, яким застосовували КАД та гармонійний скальпель, покращення відбувалось за пʼятьма із восьми шкал (за винятком рольового фізичного функціонування, загального та психологічного здоровя), а при ТЛ – тільки за шкалами болю та життєдіяльності

    Competitive 0 and {\pi} states in S/F multilayers: multimode approach

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    We have investigated the critical temperature behavior in periodic superconductor/ ferromagnet (S/F) multilayers as a function of the ferromagnetic layer thickness dfd_f and the interface transparency. The critical temperature Tc(df)T_c(d_f) exhibits a damped oscillatory behavior in these systems due to an exchange field in the ferromagnetic material. In this work we have performed TcT_c calculations using the self-consistent multimode approach, which is considered to be exact solving method. Using this approach we have derived the conditions of 0 or π\pi state realization in periodic S/F multilayers. Moreover, we have presented the comparison between the single-mode and multimode approaches and established the limits of applicability of the single-mode approximation, frequently used by experimentalists

    Luminescence of sapphire single crystals irradiated with high-power ion beams

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    Optical absorption, photo- and cathodoluminescence of a sapphire single crystal (α-Al 2 O 3 ) exposed to pulsed nanosecond radiation with high-power ion beams C + /H + with an energy of 300 keV and energy density 0.5-1.5 J/cm 2 were first investigated in this work. It was found that under ion irradiation accompanied by heating of sapphire up to melting, the formation of F-type centers and their aggregates associated with oxygen vacancies was observed in the crystals under study. These centers have luminescence bands at 330, 410 and 500 nm which depend on the type and wavelength of the optical excitation. The appearance of a new PL emission at 435 nm, presumably associated with a complex vacancy-impurity defect, was also observed in the photoluminescence spectra. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The work was supported by the initiative scientific project № 16.5186.2017/8.9 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Experiments on ion irradiation of sapphire was done at the KIPT as a part of the state task

    Anomalous Transient Current in Nonuniform Semiconductors

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    Nonequilibrium processes in semiconductors are considered with highly nonuniform initial densities of charge carriers. It is shown that there exist such distributions of charge densities under which the electric current through a sample displays quite abnormal behaviour flowing against the applied voltage. The appearance of this negative electric current is a transient phenomenon occurring at the initial stage of the process. After this anomalous negative fluctuation, the electric current becomes normal, i.e. positive as soon as the charge density becomes more uniform. Several possibilities for the practical usage of this effect are suggested.Comment: 1 file, 11 pages, RevTex, no figure

    Features of the Pulsed Treatment of Silicon Layers Implanted with Erbium Ions

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    Abstract—The formation of thin-film solid solutions of erbium in silicon and synthesis of erbium silicides were performed using continuous implantation of silicon with erbium ions followed by pulsed ion-beam treat- ment. Structural and optical properties of formed Si:Er layers were studied by Rutherford backscattering, trans- mission electron microscopy, and low-temperature photoluminescence. The dependences of erbium redistribu- tion, the microstructure of Si:Er layers, and their photoluminescence in the near-IR region on the erbium con- centration and pulsed treatment conditions were determined